
Depending on our age, lifestyle and stress, there may be wrinkles and sagging on our skin. Such situations can be resolved with btx and filler applications up to a certain age. However, more permanent solutions are required for patients over the age of 50, which is facelift surgeries we call facelift.


The purpose of this surgery is to remove the excess skin on the cheek by making an incision at the point where the cheek meets the ear. During this process, sagging is corrected by hanging the structure on the muscle, fat and nerve tissue of our face, and the abundant skin is removed at the appropriate rate. During the same surgery, sagging problems in the upper and lower eyelids and neck skin can be eliminated.


The operation is performed under general anesthesia and takes between 3-5 hours depending on the procedures to be performed. It is necessary to stay in the hospital for 1 day after the operation. Sutures on the face are removed after 1 week and the person can return to normal life.